2008年7月30日 星期三


few customers have made inquiries about SOLIDCast's compatibility with Windows Vista. We are working on changes to SOLIDCast to make it compatible with Vista, and to remove the requirement to run SOLIDCast as a "Power User". Until then, please use the following guidelines to get it to work.
Based on our testing, SOLIDCast 7.0.2, along with FLOWCast and OPTICast, is able to run under Windows Vista under the following conditions:
SOLIDCast must be installed while logged in as an Administrator. This has always been a requirement in every version of Windows since the release of Windows 2000.
When you run the installer you may see one or two error message boxes listing up to six files which failed to be installed properly. Ignore these messages and do not cancel the installation.
Once the installer is completed, apply the SOLIDCast Vista Update, which can be found on the website by clicking here.
You must use Administrator or an Administrator-equivalent account when running SOLIDCast under Vista. SOLIDCast requires "Power User" privileges when running under Windows XP. "Power User", as a concept, has been removed from Windows altogether with the Vista release.
You must configure the SOLIDCast start icon to run the program "As Administrator".

Configure similar settings for all users, if desired.
Each time SOLIDCast runs, Vista's User Access Security may prompt you to elevate privileges. If you choose not to disable this feature, you will be prompted to elevate each time you run SOLIDCast.

3 則留言:

匿名 提到...

我建議還是XP最好~VISTA? 再等等吧

匿名 提到...


就像一陣風 提到...

如果你要VISTA的程式? 請留下你的e-mail,我會轉貼一個位址或是直接E-mail給你使用
