2008年7月30日 星期三


few customers have made inquiries about SOLIDCast's compatibility with Windows Vista. We are working on changes to SOLIDCast to make it compatible with Vista, and to remove the requirement to run SOLIDCast as a "Power User". Until then, please use the following guidelines to get it to work.
Based on our testing, SOLIDCast 7.0.2, along with FLOWCast and OPTICast, is able to run under Windows Vista under the following conditions:
SOLIDCast must be installed while logged in as an Administrator. This has always been a requirement in every version of Windows since the release of Windows 2000.
When you run the installer you may see one or two error message boxes listing up to six files which failed to be installed properly. Ignore these messages and do not cancel the installation.
Once the installer is completed, apply the SOLIDCast Vista Update, which can be found on the website by clicking here.
You must use Administrator or an Administrator-equivalent account when running SOLIDCast under Vista. SOLIDCast requires "Power User" privileges when running under Windows XP. "Power User", as a concept, has been removed from Windows altogether with the Vista release.
You must configure the SOLIDCast start icon to run the program "As Administrator".

Configure similar settings for all users, if desired.
Each time SOLIDCast runs, Vista's User Access Security may prompt you to elevate privileges. If you choose not to disable this feature, you will be prompted to elevate each time you run SOLIDCast.

2008年7月27日 星期日


台灣的傳統鑄造工廠在近幾年不斷尋求新的產業發展,風力發電上的鑄件應用更是大家茶餘飯後的話題,最近在網路上看到由"金屬中心","輕金屬協會"...等組織所成立的風力發電設備聯誼會,其網址如下: http://www.twtia.org.tw/index.aspx 有興趣的朋友可以上去看看,交流交流吧

2008年7月22日 星期二


Turn off Internal Heat Transfer Coefficients
Use a low External Heat Transfer Coefficient: Around 1.5 BTU/Hr-sqft-F
Only use as much sand as is necessary to absorb the heat (1” for small castings, 4-5” for large castings)
小型砂模鑄件在模擬時,建議設定的砂模的厚度為30-50mm; 大型鑄件砂模則設定在100-150mm之間
Generally make a rectangular mold when meshing

FCC Custom Criteion(FCC自訂函數)-找微縮孔

The FCC Criterion is a calculation that was developed by Franco Chiesa of the Collège de Trois-Rivières (Québec) for prediction of total evolved microporosity in aluminum castings. This criterion is based on a calculation involving Local Solidification Time (time from Liquidus to Solidus) and Solidification Wavefront Velocity at each point in the casting. In moderately degassed aluminum castings, this criterion gives an estimate of the total percent structural microporosity at each point in the casting. SOLIDCast now includes a menu item that allows this calculation to be performed as stored as a Custom Criterion function that can then be plotted.

It has been found that this calculation can also give useful results in other alloys (such as iron and steel) for prediction of areas of potential microporosity. This criterion also has proven useful in identifying thermal centers within castings, so that, for example, the location of possible secondary shrinkage in iron castings might be displayed.

The range of numbers that will be developed for any given casting depends on the alloy and the geometry of the casting, so it is not possible to say ahead of time what a critical range should be for a particular casting. In general, the higher the number, the more potential for microporosity formation. It has been suggested that, to establish a starting point for plotting, look at a number that is at about 40% of the total range. For example, if the total range in a casting is from 0 to 1.9, then a number at about 40% of this range would be 0.76. This might be a good value to start plotting. Numbers higher than this will generally show less of indications in the casting (the “more severe” areas) while lower numbers will generally show more indications (“less severe” areas).

Using the FCC Criterion in SOLIDCast is a two-step process:

1. After a simulation is complete, double-click the Simulation icon on the Project Tree to display the Simulation Status window, then close the Simulation Status window. Select Simulation… Calculate FCC Custom Criterion from the main menu.

2. After the calculation is complete, again double-click the Simulation icon on the Project Tree to display the Simulation Status window again. This action loads the minimum and maximum values from the FCC calculation into the system. Now close the Simulation Status window and select a plot. For example, select Simulation… Plot Iso-Surface. Under Select Data Type, click on the selection arrow, and find and select Custom – High. The range of the FCC Criterion will be displayed, and you can then begin plotting values.

2008年7月18日 星期五

如何利用材料密度(Material density)找到縮孔?

材料密度函數(Material density criterion)由電腦算出來的值為0到1,這個值表示的意義為金屬液從澆鑄結束到鑄件完全凝固這段時間,鑄造金屬所發生密度變化的現象.

Value = 0 0% Metal 100% Porosity
Value = 0.90 90% Metal 10% Porosity
Value = 0.99 99% Metal 1% Porosity
Value = 1.0 100% Metal 0% Porosity


2008年7月17日 星期四


日期:民國九十七年七月二十六日(星期六) 一天
地點:日月潭汎雅酒店 (南投縣魚池鄉日月潭中正路23號)
電話:(049) 285 5500

福爾摩沙高速公路(國道三號)草屯交流道 → 省道台14線 → 埔里(愛蘭橋右轉) → 省道台21線 → 日月潭(往文武廟方向)
福爾摩沙高速公路(國道三號)名間交流道 → 省道台16線 → 水里 → 省道台21線 → 日月潭(經水社碼頭往文武廟方向)

2008年7月13日 星期日


2008-07-10 文章來源:中國證券網-上海證券報
       風頭蓋過鐵礦石 焦炭緊缺成鋼企頭等難題
  ⊙本報記者 徐虞利


當我們要開始一次新的模擬(simulation)時,我們要做的第一部就是設定材質資料庫(Material database). 當我們選進了資料庫中, 有四大類的資料是需要我們去做設定及觀察的.

第一部份: 鑄件材料(Casting matetial), 我們要開始選取所要澆鑄的金屬及特性, 以鑄鐵來舉例: 我們可以仙傲資料庫中選取鑄鐵(內建的資料有五種基本鑄鐵--三種灰口鑄鐵(GI), 兩種球墨鑄鐵(DI)), 當我們選取好標準鑄鐵後,我們緊接就要設定此鑄件所用的澆鑄溫度(initail temp.), 其他的參數如:傳導率.比熱.潛熱.等都可以不用設定,只需利用內建好的數值進行計算即可.(FSI內建的參數是根據美國ASTM handbook來建立)

第二部份: 鑄模材料(mold material), 以砂模為例: 我需要選擇矽砂(silica sand),如果有使用保溫套則需要選擇Exo sleeve或是Insulate sleeve,其他若有使用在模內的任何東西,就要加入模擬的物件計算. 註: 環境溫度代表澆鑄場的平均室溫

第三部份: 根據我們第一部份所選定的鑄造金屬,會自動畫出兩條線(白色的是冷卻曲線, 深色的是體績收縮曲線), 只有鑄鐵需要另外依據成份作設定,其他金屬皆以內建之特性曲線來模擬即可,如鑄鋼.鑄鋁.鑄銅等.

第四部份: 傳導係數設定, 此處先以外部熱傳係數作說明, 當我們進行砂模鑄造模擬時, 外部熱傳係數以9-12為範圍使用. 精密鑄造(此定義為脫蠟鑄造), 則將外部熱傳係數設在68-72間. 金屬模鑄造(如重力鑄造,低壓鑄造)則設定在45-50間.

2008年7月11日 星期五



(1)設定材質資料庫(material database),包括鑄造金屬的澆鑄溫度及澆鑄時間,你使用了哪些造模用 材料,比如說:冒口保溫套.冷鐵.模砂種類....etc.

(2)將已經在3D CAD畫好的模型檔(通常是輸出成STL(binary))輸入到SOLIDCast的工作畫面中

(3)網格模型(Mesh Model)




2008年7月10日 星期四

Error 429: ActiveX can't create object

This error indicates that one of the component files which SOLIDCast requires in order to run has been damaged, or its entry in the Windows System Registry has been corrupted. To correct this error, run the SOLIDCastUpdate.exe update program. This will restore component files and refresh all SOLIDCast entries in the Windows System Registry. (Be sure to be logged in as SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR if performing this function under Windows NT, 2000 or XP Pro.)

Use CFS time function to predict "Shrinkage"

Critical Fraction Solid Time records the time, in minutes, for each part of the casting to reach the Critical Fraction Solid Point. This is the point at which the alloy is solid enough that liquid feed metal can no longer flow. Therefore, for judging directionality of solidification, and whether any isolated areas have formed within the casting that cannot be fed by risers, Critical Fraction Solid Time is generally a better indication than Solidification Time. Plotting Critical Fraction Solid Time gives a good indication of whether any contraction that forms will be able to be fed by liquid feed metal within the risers or feeders.
The areas that appear as isolated pools of molten metal will not be able to receive feed metal from the risers if any contraction should occur during cooling and solidification.

This plot is interpreted in the same manner as Solidification Time. That is, you want a good progression from the edges of the casting, in towards the riser contacts, and out into the risers themselves.

2008年7月6日 星期日



轉載自: http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/080706/17/12njj.html

2008年7月3日 星期四

Misrun samples--鑄件澆不滿預測



2008年7月1日 星期二


所以大家可以用力的使用,還有使用前要先註冊(好像只要輸入 e-mail)



看了一下我在Yahoo的日子,從開站到現在也已經有五年的時間ㄋㄟ,從一開始接觸鑄造到現在慢慢的喜歡鑄造, 唉~真是孽緣阿. 不瞎扯了,今天7月1日的今天,我們SOLIDCast的討論區正式由Yahoo的家族轉到Google的Blog,希望在未來可以繼續為大家服務,當然我也希望這是一個跟我朋友一起分享的地方,希望大家有空多來看看,有多給我一些意見.大家一起成長.茁壯!!
